Classes and Coaching

Beginner Camera Class

Dust off that nice DSLR Camera you bought and finally learn how to use it to it’s full potential! Shooting on Auto is unpredictable and gives you no creative control over your shot. I will teach you how to master Manual Mode on your camera so you can consistently capture sharp, beautiful shots no matter the lighting, subject, or location.

1 on 1 : in person or online

2 90 minute classes

Part 1: Learn Aperture, Spot Focusing, Shutter Speed, plus do 30 mins of hands on shooting to practice new settings
Part 2: Learn how to combine all settings to shoot fully in Manual, add in ISO, correct White Balance, plus 30 mins of shoot time


Beginner Lighting Class

Dark rooms or ugly yellow ceiling lights getting you down? Learn about the different kinds of studio lighting and off camera flash you can add to your shoot for when you want a natural brighter look or a creative POP! Learn the settings, gear, and set up needed to make it easy!

1 on 1 : in person or online

1 90 min class


Photography + Business Coaching

Are you shooting but too scared to jump into business?
Or maybe you have a business but you’re ready to LEVEL IT UP! You got this, and I’m here to help you with EVERY step.

This is a Customized Coaching Program designed around where you are in your business and where you want to go.

We’ll be looking at your technical skills, improving your marketing tactics, clearing up what your branding is saying to your clients, increasing your pricing (because I know you’re under valuing yourself and underselling your work!), chatting about the nitty gritty like contracts, taxes, problem clients, dream shoots, how to get more clients, improve your socials and website, and so much more.

1 on 1 : in person or online

6 meetings: 2 1hr classes bi weekly for 3 months


The Start Up Online Workshop

What you need, why you need it, and where to find it for FREE
to start your small business or start selling your Art!

Get instant access to 2 hours of nonstop business education



  • You have questions
    or want to book any classes or coaching!